If one says that there is one particular mobile development from native, cross-platform, or hybrid, that is the best way to create mobile apps; it would be completely wrong. It is similar to saying that there is only one programming language that is most suitable for coding. Every project requirement is exclusive. The tools and technologies being employed also possess distinct qualities. On top of this, they are continually evolving; hence, nothing be said black and white. This makes the job of a mobile app development company all the more difficult.

This is the very reason due to which we suggest that hybrid development has a broad scope of improvement. In the forthcoming sections of this write-up, we will divert our attention to the comparison between Ionic and Cordova. We promise after reading this piece of content; you will be in a far better position to determine whether to opt for Ionic or Cordova for your web development project.

The lethal combination of Ionic and Cordova forms the hybrid app development platform. Let us, first of all, understand Ionic and Cordova before moving into their differences.

What is Ionic?

What is Ionic
What is Ionic


Ionic is an open-source method to provide the requisite frameworks employed in the app with the help of Java, HTML, CSS, etc. It is even possible to call it a sequencing of HTML classes, a library of JavaScript modules, and CSS based mainly on Cordova and also consisting of AngularJS.

What is Cordova?

What is Cordova
What is Cordova


Cordova assists developers in availing of the native features of the application, including audio features, video recording features, camera access ability, etc. It is a great way to get a whole set of new plugins integrated into your app that satisfy all the requirements by utilizing the hardware of a device to run the application.

Benefits of Employing Ionic

  1. Freely available and open-source;
  2. Consists of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS;
  3. Supports various UI development;
  4. Includes AngularJS;
  5. Enables swift prototyping by employing its frameworks;
  6. Works on MVC pattern which is Model View Controller;
  7. Used for Hybrid Mobile Development that is compatible with Android and iOS.

Benefits of Using Cordova

  1. There are lots of plugins that can be integrated into your application;
  2. Functions on JavaScript;
  3. Consists of excellent community support that can efficiently resolve all your development issues;
  4. Employed for cross-platform application;
  5. Very simple to learn technology;
  6. Possible to swiftly and effectively develop apps using it;
  7. Uses free and open source technology.

Limitations of Employing Ionic

  1. It sometimes becomes difficult, especially if you wish to create an application with high performance. The reason being, it is currently under development mode. Shortly, it will provide support to make a high-performance app. However, as of now, there are certain issues faced by developers while creating an app.
  2. This technology is not perfect for game development. The reason being, it requires certain more high-end plugins which are currently not available.
  3. Without Cordova, it is not possible to access any device-specific feature in ionic as Cardova provides the plugins that can integrate the functionality to access those features which employ the hardware interface of the device.

Difference Between Ionic and Cordova


Ionic consists of related frameworks that assist in making the application look much more familiar with the user perspective. On the other hand, when it comes to Cordova, it is possible to add a wide array of plugins in our application that can be employed to integrate different features in the app.


With the help of ionic abilities, it is possible to connect those plugins provided by Cordova to access the hardware features of the application. This includes radio, audio, video, maps, recording feature, Bluetooth, etc. You can add this to the app directly by employing ionic as a primary framework.

UI Development

Ionic is quite popular technology when it comes to creating the design connected with UI using CSS, JavaScript, and HTML tags. With the assistance of all these powerful tools, it is possible to create a highly ingenious and responsive design. In the future, this will look in the same way as a native application in terms of real-life experience.

Hardware Features

Today, most of the applications employ the hardware features in the app itself. Prime examples of that are getting the user location to access map ability, playing the video in the application by employing the media player. You can even operate it by connecting two devices with the help of Bluetooth features to share certain data. To do everything you need hardware.

To do this, Cordova is employed in the application which provides access to all the necessary plugins. With its help, it is possible to integrate them into the app to access all the features.

Final Thoughts

All in all, it has got to be said both Ionic, and Cordova has its benefits and limitations. However, if you utilize them in conjunction, it can help you to create a fantastic application. This is your chance to affiliate with a professional Ionic app development company and take your app development process to the next level of innovation and hire Ionic app developers!

Author Bio:

Harshal Shah is the CEO of MyAppGurus– Mobile app development company. He is an avid learner of breakthrough mobile technologies. In fact, it was due to his passion for mobile technology that led to the inception of this company. He believes in building innovative mobile applications using different types of platforms like Android, iOS, and Windows.

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